Our Services

Children are our future, raising our children to be a healthy, intelligent and tough generation is our parental duty.

That was our motivation to help moms in preparing the best nutrient for our children since the day they’re born. start from the moment of pregnancy. We must pay attention to important things such as parents’ psychological maturity, balanced nutrient intake, and routine check up until the moment of birth.

Once our children are born, breast milk is the best nutrient source to fulfill babies’ nutrient needs and protect them from possible diseases. Unfortunately, a lot of mother hasn’t optimally breastfeed their babies for various reasons, and we are ready to help with:

  • Internationally certified consultants
  • Experienced nationally certified counselors
  • Comfortable and appropriate equipment
  • Effective time of services
  • Strategic location

Our service consist of outpatient and inpatient care to support mothers since pregnancy, breastfeeding up to two years, and weaning. We take care of problems during breastfeeding such as sore nipple, mastitis, breast abscess, tongue tie, lip tie, frenotomy, hospitalization for nipple confusion, lactation induction, slow weight gain, breastfed baby who fail to thrive, breastfeeding for working mothers, and many others.

Our lactation team is always ready to hear any questions, to help finding out the best solution. If you have breastfeeding problem, feel free to contact our lactation team at the following hospitals:

  • RS Puri Cinere – 0857 7267 7225
  • RS Permata Depok – 0811 1129 252
  • RS Permata Bekasi – 082188700021
  • RS Syarif Hidayatullah – 081380803381

Consultation Schedule

RS Puri Cinere
Monday to Saturday – 09.00-17.00

RS Permata Depok
Monday to Saturday – 09.00-16.00

RS Permata Bekasi 
Monday to Saturday – 09.00-16.00
Sunday – 09.00-12.00

RS Syarif Hidayatullah 
Monday to Saturday – 09.00-16.00
Sunday – 09.00-12.00