Breastfeeding a baby with Failure to Thrive (FTT), sub-mucosal tongue tie and upper lip tie grade 4 (PART 2) By: dr. Hazwani Fadhillah Nst, IBCLC Baby AR is the first child of Mrs. RA and Mr. A who was born in one of the Hospital in Medan city on January 18,…
In House Training of Permata Depok Hospital Permata Depok hospital held an In House Training, which was attended by hospital workers. The Acara ini dilaksanakan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan manfaat layanan klinik laktasi yang ada di RS Permata Depok…
SUCCESSFUL BREASTFEEDING PROCESS OF MOTHER WITH EXTENSIVE BILATERAL PERIAREOLAR SCAR: A CASE REPORT by Regia Puspa Astari, MD, CIMI Nisa Uswatun Karimah, MD Case presentation Mrs N and her 16-day old male baby S came with the father, Mr I, to our hospital-based…
Tackling ‘Picky Eater’ among Breastfed Babies by Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC Babies aged 6-23 months need adequate complementary food and maintain direct breastfeeding.1,2 However, they often enjoy the food one day and push it away from their heads…
Breastfeeding a baby with Failure to Thrive (FTT), sub-mucosal tongue tie and upper lip tie grade 4 (PART 1) By : dr. Hazwani Fadhillah Nasution Baby AR is the first child of Mrs. RA and Mr. A, who was born on 18th January 2021 in a mother and child hospital based…
Breastfeeding a baby with Failure to Thrive (FTT), sub-mucosal tongue tie and upper lip tie grade 4 (PART 1) By : dr. Hazwani Fadhillah Nasution Baby AR is the first child of Mrs. RA and Mr. A, who was born on 18th January 2021 in a mother and child hospital based…
Third World Breastfeeding Conference On 11th – 15th of November 2019, Praborini Lactation Team attended “The 3rd World breastfeeding Conference” and “The 1st World Complementary Feeding Conference” in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. This conference was held…
Bayi Tounge Tie dengan Kenaikan Berat Badan Kurang Baik (Slow Weight Gain) yang Menjadi Pencetus Ibu Mengalami Depresi Berat Kasus Pasien Ditulis oleh dr. Novita Adelina Bayi MG, laki-laki, usia 1 bulan 22 hari, datang bersama tante (kakak dari ibu Pasien, ibu susu Pasien) Ny. S dan ayah Tn. F ke…
Sleepy Baby in Early Breastfeeding Written by drg Retno Wiangga Sleepy baby is a sleepy or inactive baby. During the early breastfeeding stage sleepy baby may have difficulty in breastfeeding. The ways babies born are greatly affects…
Breastfeeding Baby with Failure To Thrive, Posterior Tie Tongue, Upper Lip Tie Grade 3, and Cracked Nipple Baby Z, female, was the first child of Mrs. N and Mr. C who was born on 12th December 2016 in a hospital in Banjarnegara. Mrs. N came to lactation clinic on…