Successful Complementary Feeding Cooking Event (Masak MPASI Yuk) Held at RS Permata Dalima Serpong On September 22, 2024, RS Permata Dalima Serpong successfully hosted the Masak MPASI Yuk event, an educational activity attended by 40 families. This event was part of a campaign to introduce the…
Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby According to Islamic Law Written by: dr Reica Aprilyana RS Permata Depok – RS Ali Sibroh Malisi Jagakarsa Case 1 Mrs. N and Mr. had been married for 14 years and did not have any biological…
Case Report: Relactation in a Preterm Newborn Baby with Slow Weight Gain, Tongue Tie, Lip Tie, and Partial Nipple Confusion Written by dr. Inke PrasetyowatiTangerang, Indonesia CASE Baby AS, female, was 27 days-old on her first visit to the lactation clinic. She was born on November 3rd, 2023, at a government hospital…