Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby According to Islamic Law Written by: dr Reica Aprilyana RS Permata Depok – RS Ali Sibroh Malisi Jagakarsa Case 1 Mrs. N and Mr. had been married for 14 years and did not have any biological…BANNER 728 x 90
Case Report: Relactation in a Preterm Newborn Baby with Slow Weight Gain, Tongue Tie, Lip Tie, and Partial Nipple Confusion Written by dr. Inke PrasetyowatiTangerang, Indonesia CASE Baby AS, female, was 27 days-old on her first visit to the lactation clinic. She was born on November 3rd, 2023, at a government hospital…
A Case of Frenotomy Procedure on an 8-Day-Old Baby with Ankyloglossia Written by Dr. Krisna Dewi, Jakarta SKA Baby is a female baby, the first child of the couple NY D and TN I. Ny D works as a civil servant and TN…