Breastmilk is Priceless

Breast milk has a lot of benefits for baby and mom, the benefits that can never be substituted by the others.


Praborini Lactation Team

Praborini lactation team is a multi-disciplinary group of professionals who have come together out of a common interest in effective management of lactation. Founded in 2009, our team is comprised of Pediatrician, Dentists, and Medical Doctors who are certified as Breastfeeding Counselor and IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants).



Witnessing my daughter’s amazing sensoric and motoric development makes me believe that the benefit of breastfeeding is true.

Mega Rasyid Housewife, 27 yo.

My daughter had experienced nipple confusion before, and it made her lose her weight, and also made me want to surrender. Thank God I followed Praborini Lactation Team guidance, and Alhamdulillah, now my daughter has passed ASIX S1 & S2, and go for S3.

Ragina Oksavinata Housewife, 28 yo.

Since my son was born, I always follow Praborini Lactation Team guidance for breastfeeding my son. Thank God, my son is growing healthy with good weight, great anti-body, and active.

Maharani Natasha Working Mother, 27 yo.