Activity Report: Speaking at ASTOT Gold Coast, Australia, March 15-16, 2024 On this occasion, the AP team, consisting of seven members, all took the stage as speakers at ASTOR 2024. We proudly represented Indonesia, participating in this international event. The Australasian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties (ASTLiT) founded in 2014 was renamed to Australasian Society of Tethered Oral Tissues (ASTOT) in 2022. The theme for ASTOT 2024 was “Tethered Oral Tissues in Tots and Beyond”. The event spanned over two days, featuring four sessions on the first day and three on the second. The event was opened by ASTOT’s chairman, Dr. David Todd, a pediatric specialist from Australia. The first session, titled “The Tongue’s Vital Role in Health,” began with Dr. Yue Weng Cheu from Singapore discussing “The Tongue and Its Importance for Facial Growth & Airway.” The second speaker, Nada Makki-Karnib, a Speech Pathologist from Australia, presented “Function Redefined: A Holistic Examination of TOTs Impact on Feeding, Dentofacial Development, Speech, and Strategies for Enhanced Functionality.” The second session, “A Multidisciplinary View on TOTS and Effects on Gut Health and Beyond,” featured three speakers: Lauren Boundy, an Osteopath from Australia, discussed “Osteopathic Approach to TOTs Rehabilitation from within and beyond the mouth”; Emma Park, nutritionist from Australia, covered “Gut Health and Microbiome Alterations When Breast Milk is Substituted”; and Sarah Oakley, a nurse from the United Kingdom, joined virtually to talk about “How Babies React to Tongue-Tie Division and What Factors May Influence This?” The third session, “Optimizing Outcome with Various Dental Procedures,” featured Dr. Raymond Tseng and Dr. Angus Cameron, both pediatric dentists from the United States and Australia, respectively. They discussed “Infant Laser Frenectomies: A Research Spotlight on Symptom Resolution” and “Experiences with Scissor Surgical Releases in Dental Context.” The AP team took part as speakers during the first day’s fourth session, the Oral Abstract Presentation. This is when Dr. Iffa Ahsanur Rasyida presented “Indonesian Awareness about Tongue Tie.” Three other speakers presented during this session, including, Sharon Smart from Australia, Kass Jane from New Zealand, and David Grayson from New Zealand, covering various topics related to tongue-tie. On the first session of the second day, the topic, “Enhancing Recovery and Airway Function,” was revisited by Dr. Yue Weng Cheu talk about “Tongue Tie and Airway Health: A Multidisciplinary Perspective” and Robyn Merkel-Walsh from the United States, who joined virtually talk about “Pre- and Post-Operative Neuromuscular Re-education for Tethered Oral Tissues”. The second session, “Presentation and Feeding Issues and Breastfeeding Outcomes,” was presented by Sarah Bombell from Australia talk about “Tongue Ties and Presentation Newborns and Older Infants” and Rebecca Hill from the United States talk about “Complications affecting Breastfeeding (Tongue and Lip Tie)”. On the second day, the AP team presented during the third session, Sponsors Rapid-Fire Talks and Poster Session. This session was primarily brought by the Indonesian team, presenting 6 of the 9 total topics. Dr. Asti Praborini, Sp.A, IBCLC, FABM presented “A Holistic Management Approach for the Continuation of Breastfeeding in Infant Siblings with Marasmus Due to Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs).”Sharon Smart delivered a presentation titled “Pre- and Post-Operative Care for Children with Tongue Tie: A Scoping Review.”Sharon Smart also spoke on “Silent Struggles: The Unseen Impact of Tongue-tie on Families.”Anna Walton presented “Idiopathic Infantile Scoliosis in Neonates in Relation to Breastfeeding and Tongue Tie: A Retrospective Analysis.”Dr. Ayi Dilla Septarini, Sp.A, IBCLC, discussed “Delayed Frenotomy in Children: A Case Report.”Dr. Willey Eliot, M.Kes, IBCLC, focused on “Prolonged Breastfeeding Duration Following Frenotomy for Mothers with Painful Nipples: A Descriptive Study.”Dr. Augustina Santi, Sp.A, IBCLC, offered insights into “Tethered Oral Tissue in Babies: The Crucial Role of Early Diagnosis and Frenotomy in Fostering Successful Breastfeeding.”Dr. Avis Hafidhaturrahmah, Sp.A, IBCLC, examined “Tethered Oral Tissue (TOT) and Pediatric Tuberculosis (TB): What is the Connection? A Case Report.”Dr. Michelle, CIMI, CBS, explored “The Role of Frenotomy, Supplementation Therapy, and Early Complementary Food in Failure to Thrive Babies with Ankyloglossia.” The AP team consisting of members spread all over Indonesia is extremely joyful of this occasion. It was an honor and a source of pride to participate as Indonesian delegates in this international event. For two of our members, this was their first experience as international speakers. We hope for more opportunities to speak at future events dr. Iffa Ahsanur Rasyida Sp.A, IBCLC, CIMI, CHt presenting “Indonesian Awareness about Tongue Tie.” dr. Asti Praborini, Sp.A, IBCLC, FABM presenting “A Holistic Management Approach for the Continuation of Breastfeeding in Infant Siblings with Marasmus Due to Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs).” dr. Ayi Dilla Septarini, Sp.A, IBCLC presenting “Delayed Frenotomy in Children: A Case Report.” dr. Willey Eliot, M.Kes, IBCLC is presenting “Prolonged Breastfeeding Duration Following Frenotomy for Mothers with Painful Nipples: A Descriptive Study.” dr. Avis Hafidhaturrahmah, Sp.A, IBCLC presenting “Tethered Oral Tissue (TOT) and Pediatric Tuberculosis (TB), What is the Connection?: A Case Report.” dr. Augustina Santi, Sp.A, IBCLC presenting “Tethered Oral Tissue in Baby: Early Diagnosis and Frenotomy Play a Crucial Role in Fostering Successful Breastfeeding.” dr. Michelle, CIMI, CBS presenting “The Role of Frenotomy, Supplementation Therapy, and Early Complementary Food in Failure to Thrive Baby with Ankyloglossia.” The Indonesian delegation with Nada Makki-Kharnib (Speech Pathologist), Dr. Yue Weng Cheu, and his wife Louisa Lee Dinner with the ASTOT 2024 participants at Clifford’s Bar & Grill in Surfers Paradise. ASTOT 2024 participants Group photo with the Indonesian delegation. Group photo while riding the Tram. Shopping together in Surfers Paradise. Photo at Gold Coast beach. Visiting SkyPoint Gold Coast. Seeing kangaroos in Paradise Country.