Scientific Activity Report: Speak at 4th World Breastfeeding Conference in Cairo, Egypt 12-14 March 2023

Since 2011, Praborini Lactation Team (AP team) members have been national and international
speakers at several breastfeeding conference. At March 2023, 6 AP team members have the
opportunity to participate as speakers at 4th World Breastfeeding Conference in Cairo. Proudly, we
were the delegation from Indonesia in this event. It’s a wonderful event for us to share here on this

The 4th World Breastfeeding Conference were held by IBFAN (International Baby Food Action
Network) Arab World that involved the professionals worldwide. This is the 2 nd IBFAN event attended
by our team. The previous IBFAN event we attended was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2019. The
goal of the 4th WBC is to scale up action globally, regionally, and locally to protect, promote and
support optimal infant and young child feeding for a better world for mother and child.

This conference was consisted of 19 sessions in 3 days. The first day,12 March 2023, began with the
opening ceremony (first session), attended by the Minister of Health of Egypt (Prof. Khaled Abdel
Ghaffar), director of WHO (dr. Tedros Adhanom), director of UNICEF (dr. Catherine Russel),
representative from IBLCE (International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners), ABM (Academy
of Breastfeeding Medicine), and La Leche League International.

The AP team members spoke at the 4th, 5th, 8th sessions (first day), and 14th, 15th, and 16th
sessions (second day).

At the first day, the speakers were:
dr. Iffa Ahsanur, MD, pediatrician who speak about “Factors associated to newborn weight
gain and painful nipples on breastfeeding mother” at the 4 th session (theme: Challenges to
dr. Ayi Dilla Septarini, MD, pediatrician, who speak about “Bintaro Woman and Children
Clinic (BWCC) Bekasi: A mother and baby-friendly healthcare provider with an integrated
and holistic approach” in the 5th session (theme: Baby-friendly hospital initiative)
dr. Anjar Setiani, MD, pediatrician, who speak about “An overview of the lactation process
for breastfeeding dyads during the COVID 19 pandemic in lactation clinic” in the 8th session
(theme: Maternal, infant, young child feeding and infectious disease)

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At the second day, the speakers were:
dr. Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC who speak about “A tailored induced lactation protocol for
adoptive breastfeeding dyads” at the 14 th session (Milk kinships, wet nursing and adoption)
dr. Willey Eliot, M.Kes who speak about “Building breastfeeding support among health
workers” at the 15 th session (Mother and community support – The challenge of BFHI step
dr. Asti Praborini, MD, pediatrician, IBCLC who speak about “Holistic supplementation
regimen: Overcoming slow weight gain and failure to thrive among breastfeeding babies
with ankyloglossia” at the 16 th session (Breastfeeding and oral cavity issues)

After the conference, March 15-16 2023, dr. Iffa Ahsanur, MD, pediatrician, has been invited to be one of
the representatives from Indonesia at IBCoCo Meeting (IBFAN coordinator’s meeting).
We are all part of the AP team. It is a pleasure and pride for us to be a delegation from Indonesia
and participate at the 4th WBC in Cairo, Egypt as speakers. For three of the six of us, this is the first
opportunity to participate as speaker. So, we hope there will be another opportunities to be a
speaker at the next international breastfeeding seminar.


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